Thoughts and Tips on Apex Legends!!

Hi guys it’s me again Joker for another blog on Apex Legends! This time I’m going to tell my insights on this game. If it’s actually good or not so let us get to it~

Resulta ng larawan para sa apex legends finisher gif

So recently I’ve been playing this game for 3days straight now and Imma say I’m impressed on this game the grapics and the mechanics of the game is solid!! Will rate this game 10/10 but the game still needs some fixing but it’s fine cuz’ the game is just got released and there are still so many days for the developers to fix it. Playing the game wasn’t that easy. At my earlier games I needed to adapt first to the recommended key bindings so I can play easier and yes I got used to it and so the gaming goes on and Imma give it a solid 10/10 for the gameplay too. I loved it and so my friends too.

Kaugnay na larawan

I like how one legend can easily change how one squad plays for example Mirage you can easily send out a decoy for the enemy team to take the bait and your squad will kill the enemy squad unconciously that strategy can win your game and rise to the top! One stregitic plan, Skilled shooting, and Coordination with friends or squad and surely you will have some fun time with them looting, killing, risking your life to revive them. I’m sure you guys will have the same fun like I do right now with my friends uwu ♥ Be careful of your surroundings okay the enemies might come!~

Oh I almost forgot about the cool looking skins they have for each legend! You guys can acquire this skins if you buy it directly or have luck on your side on “packs” cuz’ you might randomly get a Legendary skin for your Legend, Guns, and for your Banners too and might as well your poses for the loading screen ♥ Many thing is still coming on our way we just need to wait for the news and updates. This game is kewl I recommend you guys to try this game if you haven’t played this yet. So that’s what all I can say for now I still need to play this game so I can gather more thoughts about this game and opinions about it. MORE APEX LEGENDS CONTENT TO COME SO STAY TUNED!! Joker here signing out peace~ ♥♥♥

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