Kaugnay na larawan

Hi guys I think this is my first time posting here on our blog. So let me introduce myself now uwu My name is (~˘▾˘)~ Fox ~(˘▾˘~)
So yeah let us start. As you can see at the title do we need teamwork in Apex Legends??

WELL OF COURSE YES!! DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY TIME DID I GET 2ND PLACE EVERY GAME? Damn… I need to chill HAHA. But yep you guys need teamwork here. The reason why you need teamwork here is because in order to become the CHAMPIONS in the game! ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ♪ Having a miscommunication on this game might cause you guys some trouble. Teamwork is the best way here and might as well as tracking, and pinging the enemies so that your teammates can catch up and avoid trouble when you see the enemies. With that you can overcome any trouble that lies ahead of you. But if your teammates doesn’t want to communicate with you you need to be prepared for the consequences of not being revived by you teammates that can be so disappointing. You not being revived despite that you’ve done so much for the team then they don’t want to help you. You need to solo carry your team TO WIN!!
Well anyways that’s about it for me. I want to play Apex Legends again I want that juicy champion screen for me at the end. ~(˘▾˘~)
Fox here signing out peace~ ♥

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