I Recommend You This Channel When You Play Something~

Hi there guys Panther here~ uwu ♥ This is not about a game but I just want to share this channel to you guys when you play something. It can help you boost your performance if you like listening to music while playing. The channel is called NoCopyrightSounds they have the next generation of Artists in Electronic Music, representing genres from House to Dubstep via Trap, Drum & Bass, Electro Pop and more. So if you want to listen to them click this link here https://www.youtube.com/user/NoCopyrightSounds. Listen to the video below if you want to know what kind of song they have in their channel.

So why am I recommending you this channel? Well you know I come here too to listen music while I am playing. This is not only for playing you know~ If you want to use the song for something like for editing you can use their songs or videos just don’t forget to credit the artist and link the channel back in the description if the platform does have one. They have playlists too so you can find the type of genre you want to listen too. Be sure to check them they have so many talented artists that you may want to follow if you liked their song. So I’m going to end the blog here ~0~ ♥ talk to you guys later til’ next time bye bye~ ♥♥♥ xoxo

Plugging for My Friend Yuan :>

Hi there guys Skull here plugging my friend Yuan here :> I just wanna share here with you guys that if you want some anime contents, gaming contents, about social media contents, and Dubai content HAHA He does have that kind of blog contents xD

But mostly his blog is about anime reviews like this one on the top that is one of his anime review. I wanted to show something at you guys so you will have an idea of what his blog site looks like. So if you want to know more about his blog be sure to click this link https://yuanyuanblog.home.blog. If you’re an anime fan or an Otaku be sure to read his anime reviews and leave a comment there. Skull here signing out peaceeeee~ ♥

Japan Server in League of Legends are More Better Than Philippines??

Just a week ago I started playing at the Japan Server in League of Legends and I must say when I installed I was so excited to play it. But, before you can play there you need to install some application called “VPN” or “Virtual Private Network” because we got region blocked in their server. It’s fine though you can play normally there after that with no worries. Your only issue is that if you have slow internet connection you will lag there and have 2 sec delay playing the game. However if you have average or fast internet connection you will have no problems playing there. Sometimes you might get 0.5 sec delays but you can play there fine.

And I played there for the first time they’re all nice players there and if you wanted that lane all you need to do is declare it there in the chat box and the players there aren’t scared of being support there. If someone needs to play support they play support role unlike here in the Philippines server you will get flamed if you “steal” their role or what lane he wanted worst case is that they will troll in the game or feed the enemies intentionally. They don’t like getting the support role here you know why? Plenty of them says it is a boring role but it is not. It is fun you know saving your teammates when you need them or supporting the team so you can win the game it is not boring overall.

Playing in Japan makes me play like a ranked game even if its a low levels game they are pretty good. Playing like it wasn’t their first time, yes they might be smurfs or no really newbies to the game but they play so good. It makes the game a little harder to beat. Playing there is fun especially when you queued with fun people it makes the game fun. You should try it too you can register here if you want https://signup.jp.leagueoflegends.com/ja/signup that’s all you need to do to have an account there be sure to add me there if you’re gonna play there here is my IGN “Cycio” Have fun as always good luck in the rift. Ending the blog here Joker here signing out peace~ ♥

Is it Hard To Play Ranked Games Again in Higher Tier!?!?

Hi there guys it is me Joker for another blog for today~ ^w^ ♥
Today I’m gonna let my frustration out on this one. So as you can see on the title is it hard to play ranked games again in league? Well as far as I know a lot of players will be playing ranked games again because of the rank reset. There are so many kind of players that will play again at this time not just this time you might see them in queue always. Types of players that tilts so easily if you did one mistake, they got stomped in lane and you still don’t come to their lane they will let their anger out to anyone or you because of poor performance you might get flamed for that.

So in my case, I’ll let the days pass before I go back playing again ranked games before I get myself demoted to the lowest rank of this hell tier. Playing with those types of players that gets angry easily can make your game difficult to win as they refuse to help your team to win. It’ll be hard for you to gain lp to get your promotions. Maybe if you get to queue with someone like them you need to do your best playing the game because the worst cases may happen like feeding, quitting midway, or litteraly flame you all until the games. So be careful when you play ranked games today or you can just carry them so you’ll win your games. That’s is all for today I will end the blog here Joker here again wishing you the best of luck playing in the rift peaceeee~ ^W^ ♥

Ranks Reset Bugs in League of Legends!?!?

GOOOOOOOOD MORNING TO YOU GUYS!! It is I Joker the only one that will make your life lively today~ Nah just joking. So today I’m going to talk about the Ranked Reset today. Seems like I got spaghetti coded by Riot Games.

I was expecting to be staying at me Master rank today then this came out on my screen and frustrated as hell. I’ve already read what was going to happen to me but I didn’t expected this to happen to me. So at first I tried to figure out what and how did this happened. I talked to some of high elo friends and they stayed there in Master Tier. I tried restarting my client because I thought this is some kind of bug that is messing with me but then this is all I got. I think I’ll endure it and grind everyday til’ I got my rank back. If you got the same result or it happened to you too comment it here so we can message Riot Support for assistance. So I’ll end the blog here Joker here signing out peace~ ♥

Riot Games is Making Changes to some Champions in LoL

Resulta ng larawan para sa high noon urgot splash art
Credits to Riot Games

So just this day patch 9.6 in League of Legends deployed on Riot servers except Garena servers they are going to have different patch schedule. So in today’s blog I am only going to talk about only important buffs or nerfs here no need to go over some little changes cuz’ I know some of the readers here don’t like reading long non-sense stuff that they care about. First is Urgot, his kit got adjusted and it is also a buff for him. Riot is making him more like the damage type of champion rather than building tanky items that doesn’t do damage to enemies. So Riot is adjusting his abilities to have higher AD Ratios. The shield on his “W – Purge” got transfered to his “E – Disdain” and it seems building more AD makes his shield more big for him to eat the enemies attacks. His abilities’ cooldowns got tweaked too making his abilities more used all the time because of decreased cooldown that he got. If you thought that he is OP now you should be scared now in your rank games if you see him in lane. “R – Fear Beyond Death” got a increased range. This can somehow change how you act on the lane or on where you recall from now on if he sees you within his “R – Fear Beyond Death” you are dead big time no joke. So taking a precaution before you go back to base will help you a lot so you won’t lose or get bullied to much facing the new Urgot in the top lane or maybe mid lane. So becareful always~ uwu♥

Source NA League of Legends 9.6 Patch Notes
Resulta ng larawan para sa reworked riot kayle splash art
Credits to Riot Games

Moving on Kayle is going to have some adjustments too because somehow this patch she is strong around her opponents. TL:DR she is going to have his AD growth and Attack speed growth nerfed by being decreased 0.5 of it. They updated too her recommended items they included Guinsoo’s Rageblade and Blade of the Ruined King since Kayle users/mains those items cuz’ it’s good on her. Riot caught on though and thats a good thing. Next thing that they fixed was her skills that delays her auto attacks such as “W – Celestial Blessing” and “E – Starfire Spellblade” they are removing its 0.25 delay on cast so it doesn’t interrupt her autoattacks and dps increase. It is going to help her big time in clashes healing and dealing damage at the same time without interrupting you job. They updated some of her skins making it more lively as it needs to be. Good job on Riot for doing that.

Source NA League of Legends 9.6 Patch Notes
Resulta ng larawan para sa winter wonder neeko splash art
Credits to Riot Games

And lastly they are making some bugfixing on Neeko where she procs her auto attacks twice in a row if she at very high attack speed. Oohhh that’s some cheeky exploit Neeko good thing Riot Balancing Team saw this. Kinda surprised though that Riot didn’t nerfed Adc or Attack speed Neeko instead they increased her base attack speed growth to 1% so from 1.5% going to 2.5% is her attack speed’s growth now more Adc Neeko Yaaaaaaaay~ So I think Im going to end the blog here, before I forgot it Special mention to Ornn for Riot doing some bugfixes on his passive and on his E and Q. So that is all I’m going to end it here now peace~ ♥♥

Source NA League of Legends 9.6 Patch Notes

Riot Games Just Rolled Out the Newest Skins for the Upcoming April Fools Event

Credits to League of Legends – Top Secret Channel

Hi there guys~ Navi here to chat with you about the new skins coming this April in League of Legends. As you can see the video over this paragraph you can see the highlights of the patch. Of course NEW SKIIIIINNNN~ (with some other buffs and nerfs but don’t mind that)~ ^w^ ♥

Props to Riot Games for this Splash Art

Champions that are getting a skins are:
~Corki his new skin is called “Corgi Corki”
~Fizz his new skin is called “Fuzz Fizz”
~Fizz with his other new skin called “Prestige Fuzz Fizz”
~Yorick his new skin is called “Meowrick”
~Rengar his new skin is called “Pretty Kitty Rengar”

So these champions are the ones that who will get a new set of skins for this upcoming April Fools Event. The “Versus” event that will happen is called “Cats vs Dogs”

Prestige Fuzz Fizz props to Riot Games for this splash art

These skins are gonna cost 1350RP each skin except the Prestige Fuzz Fizz. To get Prestige Fuzz Fizz Skin you will have to buy a lot of hextech item to get a prestige card that lets you get this Prestige Skin. Not like the other skins this is more harder to get. But in my opinion 1350rp skins are fine they have enough of new visual effects to call it a good skin. So that is all for todays blog I’ll have to end it here.

Twitch’s New Popular Stream Game

Kaugnay na larawan

Apex Legends has been so popular since its release for the stunning game experience. Til’ now many more players are coming and coming to the game for they want to become the Champions of the game. Killing each others squad as they gain more and more equipments and make plays in the game with their favorite legends. With its unique mechanics compared to the other games. Twitch’s new favorite category based on views of people watching on the platform. Apex Legends is beating League of Legends in terms of viewers on their game.

In my opinion they are growing pretty good making Fortnite leave their throne of the best battle royale game. If EA decided to make the team more good as it as they might make the game more played longer and not make some players quit due to being tired because of the game. So they need more in the future new features to introduce to their players. Speaking of features, today they just released the Battle Pass system making Apex Legends start its seasonal plays. But that’s all for today we will talk about the Battle Pass System in our next blog here in Phantom Theives’ Gaming Blog so stay tuned~ Fox here signing out~

Kaugnay na larawan
Pathfinder gives you a thumbs up ♥

RIOT is Going to Reset Higher Elo’s Ranks?!

Hi there guys Fox here for another blog post here on Phantom Thieves’ Gaming Blog~ So today I’m going to talk about RIOTs going to make a change Diamond+ ranks. Well what’s the reason behind this issue? The reason behind this issue is because some of diamond players and a plenty of platinum players exploited a bug where they can get higher mmr more than they should get. Resulting they can get easily go to Master, Grandmaster, and Challenger Ranks.

Source: RiotSapMagic

As a result, RIOT is going to make a change they are going to change most of the ranks of higher elos. (Look for the picture below for details) Now that I think of it I’ll be part of the Rank Reset and I’m going to share some of my opinions. I think what RIOT is doing right now is somehow fair and not fair for the other players. Fair because undeserving players will leave their current ranks making the match more better and by not fair is because other players that played well and didn’t abused the mmr bug is going to lose their efforts climbing that elo. Sad to say we are going to need to climb again if we want our ranks back. Anyways I’ll hit you up guys later if we have another update about this issue. Til then Fox here signing out~ peace ♥

Source: League of Legends /dev

Using an Application for Free Skins in League of Legends??

Hi there our readers uwu ♥ This is me Navi for another shitpost U-uhh I mean blooooooooog~ And today we are going to talk about what LoL PH Community uses an application to use free skins in your League of Legends.

Commonly this application is used by kids in the community, Why? because some people or kids in the community can’t buy the skins they want in the game, they don’t have that kind of money I think that is why they’re using this kind of application. But I think they should refrain from using this application. They can get ban I think because it is a Third Party Application, this kind of application is a bannable, first it is a cheat somehow granting you a skin for free but your teammates can’t see your skin, second it is not an official application from RIOT Company, third the application might sometimes have viruses that can affect your whole pc. You must be careful around viruses once they infiltrated your computer you’re done for. So before using this kind of application you must know the risk of getting banned. Here is the link if you want to try it out leagueskin.net. Use at your own risk kay’?~ With that said I’m going to end the blog here now hihi~ Thanks for reading our new blog today may you have a nice day from Navi ♥ Navi here signing out peace guys ♥♥♥